4.7 on reviews.co.uk


Recommended by the NHS Better Health campaign

4.7 on reviews.co.uk

Recommended by the NHS Better Health campaign

4.7 on reviews.co.uk


Recommended by the NHS Better Health campaign



Laura Arnold

"I have spent almost 50 years of being on and off diets but this time it’s worked!"

Laura Arnold has lost six stone. She went from a dress size 22 to a size 12.

Laura, 58, who lives in Kent, has been overweight since she was a child. "I have spent almost 50 years of being on and off diets but this time it’s worked! I cannot believe the new me!" - says Laura.

Not only has Laura lost her excesses but her husband Steve joined in their new healthier eating habits and increased activity and has trimmed off over two stone too. Laura used many of the resources on the site to help her, ranging from talking to the online coaches, looking at the vast selection of recipes in the site, reading the forum, reading success stories and watching several of Prof Raj videos (she found watching these particularly helpful).

‘I have an enormous appetite and always gave myself huge potions but the low-fat recipes on site have transformed our mealtimes. I can still eat plenty of food but still I lost weight! I feel so much healthier now and have more energy than I have ever had!’

*Weight-loss results may vary

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© 2024 Digital Wellbeing Limited. Registered in England No. 09043016. Registered address: The Courtyard, Shoreham Road, Upper Beeding, Steyning, West Sussex, BN44 3TN

© 2024 Digital Wellbeing Limited. Registered in England No. 09043016. Registered address: The Courtyard, Shoreham Road, Upper Beeding, Steyning, West Sussex, BN44 3TN